Paragone Updating
Note that whenever you are about to start the update process, and you've had more than Dare's opening window open, please quit JimmyRig and re-open JimmyRig.When the first window opens (Dare), click the button for Paragone then click the close button on the Dare window so that Paragone is the only window open. Click the "Check for Update" button and start the process.
If you want to use JimmyRig after the updating has completed, immediately exit JimmyRig and reopen.
What Happens in JimmyRig:
JimmyRig imports the entire MLS database.Update Steps:
- Step 1. After starting JimmyRig, and with only the Paragone screen up, click the "Check for Update" button. If it says it has found and update, click OK. JimmyRig will open your web browser to the download page.
- Step 2. JimmyRig will attempt to verify your current status with OBAR's MLS (required by OBAR). If it can't connect or the internet is slow, it will allow you to attempt verification again in the yellow screen.
- Step 3. If you have not done so already, please backup your JimmyRig folder (not the alias or shortcut! ) before you import the new data. You can do this simply by copying and pasting the JimmyRig folder to another location or inside a new folder.
Once downloaded, JimmyRig can only find the update file in certain locations, click the arrow (below) to find out where that is for your operating system.
Downloaded File Location for Windows Users:
When your web browser completes the downloads, check to make sure it is on your desktop before proceeding with clicking the "Import" button in the yellow screen. Please delete the downloads after you've completed the Paragone Update so you'll be ready the next time you update. If you do not delete it, JimmyRig will import the old update instead of the new one.Downloaded File Location for Mac Users:
Your Mac will download to your downloads folder where JimmyRig will find it to import and delete it for you when it has completed the process.- Step 4. After a successful download, click the "Import" button on the yellow JimmyRig window.
If you want to use JimmyRig after the updating has completed, exit JimmyRig and reopen.
Errors & Corrections:
If you get an error message prior to the update finishing that says this file can't be saved on this disk, it is because screens other than the main Paragone County screen were or have been open in JimmyRig. There is no fix. So you have to close JimmyRig and reopen to restart the update.
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