
Multiple Find Searching

What Happens:

Sometimes you may need multiple requests to accomplish a search, for example, when you want to search several towns for ocean front properties. In these cases enter criteria in the first request. Choose Requests menu->Add New Request. Enter the second (set of) criteria. Continue adding requests for each (set of) criteria, then click the Enter key.

You can navigate among multiple requests using Go to Request on the Requests menu or using the book icon in Find mode.

You can broaden a found set to expand your search to include additional applicable records without starting over.


Enter Find Mode

  1. Type search criteria into field(s) Go to Request menu and select Add Request or Duplicate Request
  2. Add next set or criteria or change (if you used Duplicate) criteria to represent next request.
  3. When all requests are made, hit your Enter key to perform all the Requests.


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